The Grannies is a documentary short. A group of players venture beyond the boundaries of the videogame Red Dead Online (Rockstar Games, 2018). Peeking behind the curtain of the game’s virtual world they discover a captivating and ethereal space that reveals the humanity and materiality of digital creations.

The original twitter thread shared by The Grannies that documented their experiences out of bounds can be found <here>, for now.

Inspired by his experiences journeying out of bounds, fellow Granny Ian MacLarty created the videogame Red Desert Render. We recommend this as the perfect epilogue experience to the film.

If you prefer or need an alternative viewing experience then The Grannies can also be viewed on <Vimeo>

This experience requires sound
The Grannies are
Marigold Bartlett, Andrew Brophy, Ian MacLarty, Kalonica Quigley and friends
A film by
Marie Foulston, Luke Neher and Sam Gill
Virtual exhibition by
V Buckenham